January 2019
Vivian is a 14 year old girl who comes from polygamist family with nine children. Vivian’s parents are not employed and cannot read or write. They rely on a few goats and sheep to survive. The local chief found Vivian herding the goats and asked her why she was not in school. He spoke with her parents and found out she did very well in primary school, but that they could not afford to send her to secondary school. Vivian is a very smart girl and the chief felt she should be in school. The chief brought her to a board member, who brought her into the office to fill out an application. Vivian was accepted into MGEF’s Scholarship Program January 2019. She now goes to school without fear of being sent home due to lack of school fees.
Date of Birth: 4/3/2005
Started Program: January 2019
Start Grade: 9th Grade (Form 1)
Current Grade: Post-Secondary
School: Kitue Teachers College
Sponsored: No