February 2013
Susan is one of 15 children born to an unemployed father and mother. Both are illiterate. Only one of Susan’s sisters enrolled in school, but she was forced to drop out in Class 8 due to lack of funds. Thus far, two of Susan’s other sisters have been married off in early adolescence. The family relies entirely on money that Susan’s mother makes from collecting and selling firewood, as her father is ill and cannot work. Without an MGEF scholarship, Susan would not have been able to go on to secondary school, and like her sisters, she would soon have been married off to ease the family poverty. However, MGEF’s sponsorship has enabled Susan to avoid this fate and realize her dream of being educated.
Date of Birth: 01/01/1996
Started Program: February 2013
Start Grade: 9th Grade (Form 1)
Current Grade: Bachelors of Science (Veterinary Medicine) 2022
School: University of Nairobi