May 2022
Sophia is a 17 year old girl who comes from a family of nine children. Both of her parents are unemployed and struggle to keep food on the table. Sophia graduated from primary school this spring with a very high score on the Kenyan Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exam. Sophia is a very determined girl, who dreams of continuing her education by going to secondary school. Unfortunately, her family cannot afford the school fees. The local MGEF Board member was informed of Sophia’s struggle and helped her fill out an application. MGEF accepted her into the Scholarship Program for Term 1 of 2022. Sophia is extremely excited and happy that she is now able to join secondary school and not worry about being sent home due to lack of school fees.
Date of Birth: 9/24/05
Started Program: May 2022
Start Grade: 9th Grade (Form 1)
Current Grade: 12th Grade (Form 4)
School: Baraka Oontoyie
Sponsored: Yes