January 2024
Simi is a seven year old girl, who comes from a family of three children. Her father does casual labor and her mother is a housewife. The family has no livestock to fall back on and are very poor. They are strong believers in education, but struggle to keep the three kids in school. Simi is the youngest and the only girl, so she will be the one to stay home if there is not enough money for all of the children to go to school. Her parents know that the only way their children will find a life out of poverty is with an education. When they heard about MGEF, they contacted the local board member to fill out an application. MGEF accepted Simi and she is very happy to go to school with no fear of being sent home due to lack of school fees.
Date of Birth: June 6th, 2016
Started Program: January 2024
Start Grade: Class 2 (2nd Grade)
Current Grade: Class 3 (3rd Grade)
School: Sunde Primary School
Sponsored: Yes