January 2006
Ruth Nampa’s education would have ended after 9th grade without financial assistance. Her father died when she was a year old, leaving two wives and 11 children. Her mother never enrolled in school, and her family’s survival depended on her paternal grandparents, who had planned to have her married off. However, Ruth was a very bright student who wanted to continue going to school, and an MGEF scholarship saved her. She graduated from secondary school in November 2008 with a B+ on the national test, and in 2010 she enrolled in the Faculty of Agriculture at Egerton University. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Agricultural Economics.
Date of Birth: 01/01/1989
Started Program: 10 years 20 weeks ago
Start Grade: 10th Grade (Form 2)
Current Grade: University Graduate-Degree
School: Egerton University