January 2019
Ntitoyian is an 11 year old girl, who comes from a very large polygamist family of seven wives (one is deceased) and 39 children. Ntitoyian has 23 brothers and 15 sisters. Unfortunately, none of the children, boys or girls, have gone beyond primary school. Her father and mother are both illiterate. Ntitoyian’s father divorced her mother, and now she struggles to survive with her four children. Her father does not contribute to the families well being. Ntitoyian mother is not a well and is often home in bed, relying on her children to herd the few goats that she has. She was unable to pay school fees for Ntitoyian, so she contacted MGEF’s local board member. Ntitoyian was accepted into the MGEF Scholarship Program in January 2019. It is a dream come true for her, and she hopes to be the first sibling in her family to go to post-secondary school.
Date of Birth: 12/10/2007
Started Program: January 2019
Start Grade: 4th Grade (Class 4)
Current Grade: 9th Grade (Class 9)
School: Komiya Primary School
Sponsored: Yes