Nosim Kasana

Nosim Kasana

March 2021

Nosim is a 12 year old girl who comes from a family of six kids. She has three brothers and two sisters. Her parents are both illiterate, but understand the importance of an education. They have managed to put all of the children into primary school until now. Nosim’s father does odd jobs to provide for the family. He has tried to find full time employment as a watchman, but he has been unsuccessful. Unfortunately it has become too much of a financial burden to continue to send the children to school. The local chief was told of the situation and he brought Nosim to the MGEF office to ask for a scholarship. Nosim was accepted to MGEF’s Scholarship program. Both Nosim and her parents are very happy that she can continue her dream of an education. Nosim will start Term 3 of the fourth grade May 2021.

Date of Birth: 8/18/08
Started Program: May 2021
Start Grade: 4th Grade (Class 4)
Current Grade: 9th Grade (Form 1)
School: Savelberg Junior School
Sponsored: Yes