Nelly Sipilon

Nelly Sipilon

June 2021

Nelly is a nine year old girl, who is the last born to a family of seven children. Her father passed away before she was born and her mother when she was only one years old. She currently lives with her sister, who was a victim of early marriage. Her sister is unemployed and her husband does not feel obligated to pay for Nelly’s school fees. Nelly was brought to the local junior board member, who submitted her application. She was accepted to MGEF Scholarship program to begin grade 3 for Term 1 in July of 2021.

September 2023 – Nelly is now in 5th grade and enjoys her school very much.

Date of Birth: 8/25/12
Started Program: July 2021
Start Grade: 4rd Grade (Class 4)
Current Grade: 6th Grade (Class 6)
School: AIC Girls Primary School
Sponsored: Yes