January 2020
Moombi is a 12 year old girl from a polygamist family. Her father has three wives and 20 children. Moombi’s mother was the third wife and was badly mistreated by the husband. Eventually Moombi’s grandmother brought her daughter and her four children home to live with her. Moombi’s grandmother is the sole bread winner with odd jobs and it is a struggle for her to put food on the table. Her grandmother believes in education and has done her best to send Moombi to school, but it was becoming too much of a hardship for the struggling family. The head teacher from Moombi’s school approach the local MGEF board member asking for assistance for her because she was worried she would soon have to leave school. Together, Moombi and the board member filled out the application. She was accepted into the MGEF Scholarship program in January 2020. She can now concentrate on her school work.
Date of Birth: 2007
Started Program: January 2020
Start Grade: 7th Grade (Class 7)
Current Grade: 12th Grade (Form 4)
School: Rombo Girls Secondary School
Sponsored: Yes