Momoi Jane

Momoi Jane

May 2022,
Momoi is a nine year old girl who comes from a family consisting of a single mother and two sisters. Momoi’s mother, like most traditional Maasai teenagers, was married at a young age and left her family home. After her first child was born, she began to develop mental issues. Her husband divorced her due to her mental illness. Left on her own, her mother returned with her three girls to her family home. Momoi’s grandfather had past away and her grandmother was old and struggling. With no financial help from Momoi’s father, her mother was not able to send her daughters to school. When people from the community attempted to help Momoi go to school, her mother would scare them away by trying to bring her family to live with them. Momoi, at the age of nine, just graduated from kindergarten. Momoi was brought to the attention of a local MGEF board member. Momoi was accepted and has begun her dream of an education.
Date of Birth: 10/20/2013
Started Program: May 2022
Start Grade: 1st Grade (Class 1)
Current Grade: 4th Grade (Class 4)
School: AIC Girls Primary School
Sponsored: Yes