May 2022
Mercy is a 17 year old girl, who comes from a family of eight. Mercy is very smart and scored very high on her Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exam. Her father and mother are both unemployed. Both of her parents believe in education, but they cannot afford to send her to secondary school. They struggle to put food on the table. Sarah and her family often depend on neighbors for basic needs. Sarah’s father and mother brought Sarah to the MGEF-Kajiado office and asked to fill out an application for MGEF’s Scholarship Program. A Maasai girl of her age, who is not in school, is often a victim of an arranged early marriage to a much older man. Sarah is very smart and ambitious. She was awarded a scholarship for Term 1 of 2022. She is very excited to be given a chance to work towards her dream of an education.
Date of Birth: 9/20/05
Started Program: May 2022
Start Grade: 9th Grade (Form 1)
Current Grade: 12th Grade (Form 4)
School: Ole tipis Girls High. school
Sponsored: Yes