January 2020
Mary is an eighteen year old girl, who lives with her single mom and 2 siblings. Mary’s life has been one of violence as her father is an abusive man with a drug and alcohol problem. When Mary was a young girl, her mother left her father because of the violence but later returned to him. Finally, she left him for good when he threatened to kill her with a knife. Her mother does odd jobs to support the three children. She has tried to keep them in school but most of the time is unable to pay the school fees. Mary was accepted to a good school, but her mother could not afford the better school. The head teacher at Mary’s day school did not send her home and suggested to Mary that she apply for a scholarship at MGEF. She contacted the local MGEF board member and spoke of Mary. Mary was accepted into MGEF’s Scholarship program.
Date of Birth: 2/9/2002
Started Program: January 2020
Start Grade: 11th Grade (Form 3)
Current Grade: Post-Secondary
School: Kenya Institute of Social Community Developement
Sponsored: No