May 2022
Mary is a nine year old girl, who comes from a family of five children. He father is a peasant farmer, who has not had much success due to the draughts. Her mother is a casual worker, but there is very little opportunity for employment. Her parents turn to neighbors for food and necessities. Mary has been in and out of school due to lack of school fees. This has caused her grades to suffer. She dreams of getting an education and becoming a doctor. The local MGEF Board member, who visited Mary, fears Mary will face female genital mutilation (FGM) and early marriage soon. Her parents will see her dowry as a matter of survival for the rest of the family. MGEF accepted Mary right away, and she is now at her new boarding school. She is so happy to have a chance at a better life with an education.
Date of Birth: 2013
Started Program: May 2022
Start Grade: 2nd Grade (Class 2)
Current Grade: 5th Grade (Class 5)
School: J Leperes Primary School
Sponsored: Yes