May 2022
Lilian comes from a family of six children. Her parents migrated to a rural area, leaving the children to live with their grandparents. Fortunately, there is a school in walking distance from her grandmother’s house. The head teacher has allowed Lilian to continue school even though the school fee balance was never paid. Lilian scored high on her Kenyan Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) exam and will be able to get into a good secondary school, but she cannot pay the school fees. Her mother struggles just to send money for food and cannot afford school fees. Her father is an alcoholic and spends his money on alcohol. The local MGEF Board member was notified. Lilian was accepted for Term 1 of 2022, and her dream of going to secondary school has come true.
Date of Birth: 2007
Started Program: May 2022
Start Grade: 9th Grade (Form 1)
Current Grade: 12th Grade (Form 4)
School: Rombo Secondary School
Sponsored: Yes