January 2020
Joan is a 13 year old girl, who comes from a polygamist family. Joans father has two wives, though one (Joan’s mother) ran away when she found out that he had AIDS. He is unemployed and survives on casual labor when available. He worries about his children’s future because he and his other wife have AIDS and also because he has periods of madness. He very much wants his children to be educated, and has managed to support Joan through 5th grade. This year he was unable to send her back to school due to lack of school fees. He is very concerned that Joan, who is the oldest daughter, will be married off because she is living with his sister at the moment. He brought Joan to the local MGEF board member, who liked her very much. She said that Joan was a very polite and humble girl, who dreams of a better life through an education. Joan was accepted in January 2020, and is now safely in school.
Date of Birth: 5/16/2008
Started Program: January 2020
Start Grade: 6th Grade (Class 6)
Current Grade: 11th Grade (Form 3)
School: Ilbissil Girls Secondary School
Sponsored: Yes