Jane is an 15 year old girl, who lost both her mother and father, in separate incidences, five years ago. Her father in a motorcycle accident and her mother in child birth. Jane and her older brother were taken in by a local church and have stayed with the church clerk up until now. Both Jane and her brother are academically talented. Her brother has been awarded a scholarship to secondary school. The church was in search of a scholarship for Jane as well, because they do not know how much longer they can afford her school fees. The church clerk brought Jane to one of our MGEF’s board members and asked for assistance. Jane was accepted into the MGEF Scholarship Program January 2019.
Date of Birth: 2004
Started Program: January 2019
Start Grade: 10th Grade (Form 2)
Current Grade: Post-Secondary
School: Maasai Mara University
Sponsored: Yes