March 2023,
Jackline is a 15 year old girl, who comes from a family of five children. Neither of Jackline’s parents have been able to find employment. Both of her parents believe in education and have tried to send all of the children to school. Due to their lack of employment, they were not able to send Jackline to secondary school this year. Her grandfather, much to her parents dismay, decided to marry off Jackline to one of his friends. Jackline ran to her friends house, who’s family lives nearby. Her friend happens to be an MGEF scholarship recipient, who brought Jackline to the attention of the MGEF-Kajiado office. The staff went into action and went to visit the family and offered a scholarship to Jackline. Jackline joined MGEF in March of 2023, and started Form 1 of secondary school. Not only is Jackline happy, but her father is very pleased to see one of his daughters in secondary school this year.
Date of Birth: 1/25/2008
Started Program: March 2023
Start Grade: Form 1 (9th grade)
Current Grade: Form 3 (11th grade)
School: Kajiado Adventist
Sponsored: Yes