May 2019
Faith is a 17 year old girl, who comes from polygamist family of three wives and 13 children with seven brothers and five sisters. Faith is the only girl to have gone to school out of all of her sisters with only one brother managed to make it through primary school. Three of the five sisters have been married off. Faith’s father is unemployed and her mother works odd jobs when they are available. Faith’s mother has tried very hard to put her to school because she believes in Faith and thinks she will be the person to bring the family out of severe poverty. Faith graduated from primary school in 2014, though her mother worked very hard to to send faith to school, she had to drop out of school after form one because of lack of school fees. Faith went home to a very harsh life of severe poverty, where the family often went through several days without food. By 2019, Faith’s mother had managed to save enough money to put her back in school at a local secondary day school for term one of form 2, but was not able to raise the money for term 2. Once again Faith thought her dream of an education would not come true. The local MGEF board member heard of Faith’s determination and brought her to MGEF. Faith was accepted to the Scholarship program in May 2019.
Date of Birth: 3/2/2002
Started Program: May 2019
Start Grade: 10th Grade (Form 2)
Current Grade: Post-Secondary
School: Vision Empowerment Training Institute
Sponsored: No