June 2018
Esther is a 10 year old girl, who comes from a very large family. Her father has four wives and Esther has 28 siblings. The family was doing well for many years, but during the long drought they lost all of their livestock and are now unable to put food on the table. Esther’s mother started to go to a nearby neighbor asking for food. The neighbor obliged, but eventually had to say she could not continue to feed them. The mother then brought Esther to the girls boarding school, where her neighbor teaches, and said that she could not take the girl back home because she fears she will starve to death, and can she make her a house maid. Esther is very bright girl, so the teacher convinced the school to accept her until she could find a scholarship for her. The teacher came to MGEF and filled out an application. Esther was accepted to MGEF in June 2018.
Date of Birth: 2007
Started Program: June 2018
Start Grade: 3rd Grade (Class 3)
Current Grade: 11th Grade (Form 3)
School: Enoomatasiani Girls Secondary School
Sponsored: Yes