January 2013
Diana was 5 years old when she began her MGEF scholarship. The year before, her father had been killed in a road accident, and she and her five siblings were all reliant on their mother’s meager income from selling firewood. Because of her family’s financial struggles, an older cousin took Diana in and enrolled her in preschool at the AIC Child Centre in Kajiado. Her required school uniform and school supplies were purchased with the help of contributions from friends. However, the older cousin was also struggling to support her own family and did not have the resources to pay Diana’s school fees. An MGEF scholarship assures Diana an education and the limitless opportunities it can provide.
Date of Birth: 04/23/2008
Started Program: July 2013
Start Grade: Preschool
Current Grade: 9th Grade (Form 1)
School: Kathiani Girls Secondary School
Sponsored: yes