Deborah Mutete

Deborah Mutete

May 2021
Deborah is a 14 year old girl who comes from a family of 8 children. Her father is illiterate and her mother dropped out of school in class 7 (7th grade). They are both casual workers. They believe very much in educating their children and have tried hard to pay their children’s school fees, often selling one of their precious few cows to do so. The past couple of years have been very difficult and her parents have not been able to send the children to school regularly, except for her eldest brother who has received a scholarship from Jomo university. Deborah longs to be able to go to school without the worry of being sent home due to lack of school fees.

Deborah was brought the attention of one of our local board members. Deborah has been accepted to the MGEF Scholarship Program to start Term 1 July 2021.

Date of Birth: 7/02/06
Started Program: July 2021
Start Grade: 6th Grade (Class 6)
Current Grade: 10th Grade (Form 2)
School: J. Leperes Academy
Sponsored: Yes