January 2020
Debora is an eight year old girl who comes from an impoverished family of five children. The family fell into desperate times in 2016 when they lost what livestock they had due to sudden torrential rains. In January 2019 Debora’s father ran away, abandoning the family. Debora’s older brothers dropped out of school in order to get jobs to put food on the table. Debora’s mother believes in education and has tried to send all of her children to school, but she just cannot afford the school fees. An MGEF board member was contacted about Debora’s situation and that she was not able to return to school. When the MGEF staff arrived at Debora’s home, they discovered that she had a twin sister. Realizing that her twin sister, Neema, was not able to return to school either, they felt it unfair to accept one twin and not the other. Therefore, MGEF decided to accept both girls and they both returned to school January 2020.
Date of Birth:4/10/2012
Started Program: January 2020
Start Grade: 1st Grade (Class 1)
Current Grade: 6th Grade (Class 6)
School: Jleperes Academy
Sponsored: Yes