May 2013,
Clare Nkurani is one of twenty children in a polygamous household. Her parents are both illiterate and earn their income solely from selling their cows and goats. Out of desperation for a bridal dowry, Clare was nearly married off after completing Grade 8. Two of Clare’s sisters had already been married off for the same reason. However, with assistance from Foundation Kids to School (FKS), Clare remained in school and finished her secondary studies in 2012. FKS, in partnership with MGEF, continues to sponsor Clare in her post-secondary pursuits. She is eager to continue her education and is studying to be a teacher in order to lift her family out of poverty and achieve her own financial independence.
Date of Birth: 02/01/1991
Started Program: June 2013
Start Grade: Vocational School
Current Grade: College
School: Kibwezi Teachers’ Training College
Sponsored: Yes