January 2006
Caroline is the third-born of six children. Both of her parents are uneducated and her father does not believe in educating girls, so Caroline’s mother took her to school. Caroline was a very bright student and paid for secondary school with scholarships she received. After high school, MGEF took responsibility for her education. Caroline graduated from college in December 2008. Caroline’s father divorced her mother when she refused to have more children, and Caroline is now the sole support of her mother and two younger siblings. In January 2011, Caroline enrolled at Kenya Methodist University to pursue a degree in nursing. She graduated in August 2013. Caroline currently serves as a facilitator for the MGEF Life Skills and Mentoring Workshops and runs her own health program, AID Village Clinics, in her home village of Loitoktok. Caroline was accepted to medical school the spring of 2017. She started her classes in September 2017.
Date of Birth: 05/15/1985
Started Program: March 2006
Start Grade: College
Current Grade: Graduated (Medical Degree)