May 2014
Abigael is a sixteen year old girl who came to MGEF in 2014. She is the second youngest of six children born in a traditional Maasai family. Her father is polygamous, and her birth mother is the second of three wives. Her father is illiterate and blind, making him unable to work. Her mother, also illiterate, tends to the family’s daily needs and chores. Abigael’s older sister was circumcised and married off to an older man in a remote village. Only two months into the marriage, she ran away and remains in hiding. Abigael’s brother did not want the same fate for Abigael because she was a very bright girl and loved school. He believes strongly in the importance of an education, but he could not raise the funds for her to go to boarding school. MGEF accepted Abigael into the scholarship program in 2014, and now, in 2018, she is still thriving and has started secondary school.
Date of Birth: 2002
Started Program: May 2014
Start Grade: 6th Grade (Class 6)
Current Grade: Post-Secondary
School: Kenya Institute of Socail Work and Community Development
Sponsored: No