Josephine Nkarsis

Josephine Nkarsis

January 2016

Josephine is a 11 year old girl who comes from a very large poverty stricken family. Her father had six wives and 38 children before he passed due to illness, leaving behind medical bills that the family struggles to pay. All of Josephine’s sisters have been married off to older men because the family was unable to feed them. Josephine showed a real interest in an education, and her mother tried to send her to first grade, but she lost her cows in the drought and now just relies on selling charcoal for food for her children. Her mother came to the office desperate for assistance, as she knew she would have to marry off Josephine in order for the family and Josephine to survive. MGEF accepted Josephine in January 2016. She now can concentrate on her studies without the worries of school fees, FGM, and early marriage.

Date of Birth: 2007
Started Program: January 2016
Start Grade: 1th Grade (Class 1)
Current Grade: 9th Grade (Form 1)
School: Ilbissil Girls Secondary School
Sponsored: Yes