Jane Nashipae

Jane Nashipae

January 2003

Jane comes from a large polygamous family living in extreme poverty. Both her mother and father are illiterate. Her father has four wives and 23 children. He is opposed to education in general, but especially for girls, believing that the sole purpose of a daughter is to bring wealth to her family through a dowry. Two of her sisters were married off in Grade 4. Jane was to be married at age 10, but she was rescued by women activists and brought to the Kajiado Adventist School’s rescue center. Her sister, Blessing, was married off at the age of nine, but she was rescued by the same activist group eight months later. Now both sisters are together in school under MGEF scholarships and protected from the threat of child marriage.

Date of Birth: 02/16/2002
Start Grade: 1st Grade (Class 1)
Current Grade:Pending Post-Secondary
School: Pendingy

Sponsored: Yes